As quality professionals in healthcare, our patients, our staff members, executives and even community leaders are looking to us to provide reliable, actionable interpretations of highly complex situations. Data literacy is an ethical imperative for today’s quality professional. Yet data literacy alone is insufficient to produce the kind of equitable, effective, and efficient health system we strive for.
Quality professionals must learn to leverage their data literacy to craft truthful and useful data stories that highlight the problems we face and illuminate the path forward. This presentation will ground participants in their ethical responsibility to become data literate and leave them with a practical framework for curating truthful and useful experiences with data in their organizations. Drawing on the work of Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic, Albert Cairo, Jonathon Haidt and others this presentation will leave participants with three critical takeaways:
• Data literacy is an ethical, not just professional mandate for the quality professional.
• How to avoid dubious data design.
• How to call craft stories with data that call the audience to action.