NAHQ Instructor

Prepare Your Students for the Workforce

NAHQ collaborates with institutions of higher education to provide competency-based healthcare quality content based on the industry-standard Healthcare Quality Competency Framework that is easily incorporated into undergraduate and graduate degree programs and certificate programs.

A growing number of universities also offer graduate credits to students for the CPHQ credential.

Ensure your students are prepared to help advance healthcare quality initiatives upon graduation.

Make your programs more robust and prepare  your students to thrive in the workforce by incorporating NAHQ content into your curriculum.    

NAHQ provides resources to institutions of higher education that enhance the faculty and student experience and enable program administrators and leaders to demonstrate deep alignment to industry expectations for healthcare quality competencies within the workforce.

Young business woman smiling

Workforce Competencies for Healthcare Quality Professionals: Leading Quality-Driven Healthcare

As healthcare delivery systems increasingly adopt models designed to reward cost-efficient and high-quality care, the demand for expertise in healthcare quality continues to grow.

Universities Recognize the CPHQ for Master's Credit

A growing number of universities offer graduate credit to their students for the CPHQ credential.

Businesswomen smiling

Higher Education Collaborations

school of nursing the george washington university
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georgetown university
hsc transparent
jacksonville university
jefferson college of population health
middle tennessee state university
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northwestern university
uab school of health professions
du logolockup collegeofhealth primary (002)

Competency Framework

NAHQ’s Healthcare Quality Competency Framework categorizes healthcare quality work into

  • 8 domains, comprised of
  • 29 competency statements
  • 486 skill statements